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Canvas - How to Access Your Files and Submissions in Past Courses (Students)
Students often need to access copies of their course submissions after a course has ended. For example, you may want to reference those submissions for your current courses, or add them to your portfolio. Students can access file submissions from all past courses without having to access the course.
Access to Past Courses
You may not be able to access all your past courses in Canvas. Instructors can keep their courses open to students indefinitely, or grant specific students access to their courses after the term is over, but they can also configure the course settings to restrict student access after the course has ended.
Regardless of whether you can access a past course, students can still access their file submissions from that course using the Files tool. Keep in mind that you only can access your submission, not the assignment prompt. Contact your course instructor if you need access to the assignment prompt.
Access Your Past Submissions
You can access your file submissions using the Files tool, which stores your user files, course files, and group files:
- Click the Account button in the global Navigation menu. (This button shows your profile photo.)
- Click the Files link.
- Select the Submissions folder. This will show a sub-folder corresponding to each of your courses where you submitted work.
- Choose the course folder that has the files you need.
- Click on the file name and select Download. (You can also hover over the file name, click on the three vertical dots (⋮), and then click Download.)
You can also download submissions from all of your courses at once.