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Canvas - How to Open a Canvas Quiz for Specific Students
Instructors can configure Canvas quizzes to differentiate quiz availability and due dates for some students, or for different groups of students. This is particularly useful when you need to give a specific student extended access to a quiz.
By default, newly created Canvas quizzes will be assigned to all students in your course. You can check this when configuring a quiz by scrolling down to the Assign section. The Assign to box should read Everyone.
Instructors can also assign quizzes to to a specific student. This option can be used to setup a quiz just for one student. You can also use this option if the entire class will be assigned a quiz, but specific students need a different due date.
How to Reopen an Exam for a Specific Student
If you need to reopen an exam for specific students, edit the quiz, and then use the Assign to box:
- Click Quizzes in the course Navigation menu.
- Click on the quiz you need to assign.
- After opening the quiz, click on the Edit button.
- Scroll down the screen past the Quiz Instructions input box, Quiz Type, and Quiz Restrictions.
- In the Assign to box, click the long +Add button.
- Click in the Assign to box and select the students that need extended access to the quiz.
Selecting any name in the second Assign to box will automatically update the original box to say Everyone Else instead of Everyone. Everyone Else includes any student in the class that isn't in the new Assign to box and the original quiz due date will still apply to those students. - Enter a due date for the newly assigned students. You can also enter quiz availability dates as needed.
- Click the yellow Save button.
The quiz will now be assigned to specific students plus “Everyone Else,” each with their own due dates.