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Explorance Blue - How to Complete Your Course Evaluations and Other Surveys

This document explains how UW-Superior students can evaluate their courses using Explorance Blue. Students can access available evaluations from their Blue homepage, using the invitations sent from Blue to their UW-Superior email address, and from within many Canvas courses.

For more detailed instructions about how to access surveys in Blue and navigate the system, visit Explorance's detailed guide for students.

  1. Access a Survey from the Blue "My Home" Page
  2. Access a Survey Using an Email Invitation
  3. Access Surveys from a Canvas Course

Option 1: Access a Survey from the Blue "My Home" Page

The easiest way to access your surveys is by logging into our course evaluation system, Blue. This option will work even if you don't receive an invitation email or if your instructor doesn't utilize Canvas.

Login to Blue here:

Logging in will take you to your Blue "My Home" page. You will see a section called "Tasks"—all of your course surveys will be listed in this section. Click on any course link to open the survey page. Click Start Now to begin the survey.

Screenshot of Blue Homepage with Task highlighted
Your course surveys can be found in the "Tasks" section of the Blue "My Home" page. This user's open ACCT 201 survey is circled in red.

Option 2: Access a Survey Using an Email Invitation

Blue will usually send an email invitation to your UW-Superior email address whenever you have a new survey available to complete. These emails will be sent from and will look similar to the screenshot below.

Click the Start Your Evaluation Now linkThis will take you to a landing page with a list of your active course surveys. Click Start Now to begin a survey.

Screenshot of Start Your Evaluation Now link in the fillout invitation email
In invitation emails from Blue, the Start Your Evaluation Now link (circled in red) is located after your list of current course surveys.

Option 3: Access Surveys from a Canvas Course

You can also access your available Blue surveys from a page in most Canvas courses. Look in the course navigation menu—the column of links on the left side of the course— and click the Blue Course Evaluations link. You may have to scroll down the list to see it.

This link will open a page with a list of your available surveys. Click on any course title. This will take you to the survey page. Click Start Now to begin the survey.

Screenshot of the Blue Course Evalutions link in the Canvas Course Navigation Menu Screenshot of list of surveys on the Canvas Blue Course Evaluations page.
Click the Blue Course Evaluations link in your Canvas course Navigation menu (circled in red).
The page may show your evaluations on two different tabs; one for the course you're currently in, and another labeled "Other Evaluations".

Need Help?

If you have any questions about survey availability, how to use Blue, or the UW-Superior course evaluation process, please email us at

Students, course evaluations, Canvas using 
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Kasey S. in UW Superior
UW Superior