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Library - Policy For Minors

The Jim Dan Hill (JDH) Library commits to cultivating a sense of community. We provide an open unsupervised environment to pursue academic research, support the University’s curriculum, and foster lifelong learning. Minors are welcome in our library, however due to the open nature of our building, parents and legal guardians with minors using library spaces are responsible for the minor’s safety and behavior regarding the impact of their presence on other library users. The purpose of this policy is to maintain a safe and respectful environment for academic learning. Utilization of this space does not provide custodial care of minors. Minors must always be supervised by a parent or legal guardian.
Study tables on the second floor of the library

Minors who are taking part in organized scheduled activities or who enrolled in specific classes are welcomed.

The JDH Library's collections, computer lab, study rooms, and displays are intended for academic research, are not censored, and are not designed to meet the needs of younger students or minors. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for monitoring the content of their minor's access.

Library staff members are not responsible for supervising the actions of minors.

Minors are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of library users, staff, materials, and facilities.

Minors who are not enrolled must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian.

Minors who are not enrolled or taking part in scheduled activities must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian to use the library computers and study rooms.

Minors must yield the use of the library's computers or study rooms if UW-Superior students need them for academic reasons unless the minors are here for a sponsored visit or are enrolled.

If a minor is disturbing other library users, the parent or legal guardian should remove the minor from the library until the minor can re-enter without causing a disturbance.

If a minor is loud or displaying disruptive behavior they may be asked to leave.

If a minor is found unsupervised the library staff will attempt to make reasonable attempts to contact the parent or legal guardian, afterwards, we will reach out to the UW-Superior Campus Police for assistance.

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