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Library - Study Room Policy
Study rooms are available to current students for both individual and group use. You may reserve a room online with the Study Room Reservation System or ask for a room at the Public Services Desk.
Reserving a Study Room
Reservations may be made:
- online with our Study Room Reservation System (Preferred method)
- in person at the Public Services Desk
- via telephone at (715) 394-8343
Please note the following policies regarding study room booking reservations:
- A study room may be reserved for two hours up to two weeks in advance.
- One study room may be reserved per day.
- Your current UW-Superior ID card is required to checkout a study room.
- Online reservations must be made using an email address.
- Reservations not claimed at the Public Services Desk within 15 minutes after the reserved time begins will be forfeited and the room will be made available to other patrons.
Study Room Information
Study rooms are available to current students for both individual and group use. Although priority will be given to student requests, the Public Services Supervisor will consider study room requests from faculty and staff on a case-by-case basis. Study rooms are not to be used for regularly scheduled classes or regularly scheduled meetings.
Please familiarize yourself with our policies regarding study room usage before you have checked out a study room key. Keep the following in mind once you have checked out a key:
- Study room keys must remain in the library. If you need to step outside, please leave the key at the Public Services Desk until you return.
- Study room doors lock automatically when closed. Please take the key whenever leaving the room.
- Social distancing protocols should be practiced within study rooms. Furniture is not to be moved.
- Please follow the cleaning protocols before and after use of the study room.
- When you are finished with the room, please turn off equipment and lights and close the door.
- Return study room keys to the Public Services Desk immediately at the end of the reservation.
- Rooms must be vacated 15 minutes prior to the library closing.