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Canvas (PeopleSoft) - SIS ID Explained

Course and enrollment data for the Digital Learning Environment (Canvas) comes from each campus's PeopleSoft Student Information System (SIS). This article will explain the different types of SIS ID's and what defines their values.
These are examples of three different types of SIS ID values that we have seen come across.  If any value changes anywhere in those strings, it will break the connection between PeopleSoft and Canvas.

Single Sections

SIS ID: 009390-01-2201-1-01-01618

  • 009390 - Course ID
    The unique course ID value that is generate by PeopleSoft when a course is added.
  • 01 - Course Offering Number
    PeopleSoft generates the course offering number and uses it for sequencing.
  • 2201 - Term
    The identifier that corresponds to the term the course is associated with - such as Spring 2020.
  • 1 - Session
    The identifier that corresponds to length of time the class is held.  For example, courses may be held for the full semester, or the first half and second half, and so on.
  • 01 - Section Number
    The identifier for the section number that corresponds to the course.  For Example, if the course was English 101 Section 01 - the "01" would be the section number.
  • 1618 - Class Number
    The student facing identifier that is unique to the term.  This is generally the value students can use to easily find courses for registration purposes.

Combined Sections

SIS ID: UWWTW-2201-1-C0018

  • UWWTW - Institution Identifier
    The value that is the unique identifier for the institution.
  • 2201 - Term
    The identifier that corresponds to the term the course is associated with - such as Spring 2020.
  • 1 - Session
    The identifier that corresponds to length of time the class is held.  For example, courses may be held for the full semester, or the first half and second half, and so on.
  • C0018 - Combination Number
    The identifier for the combination number.
This SIS ID pattern appears for sections combined in PeopleSoft (the "combined section" checkbox in PeopleSoft), and is typically used for combining courses that have different names or are in different departments (ex: a combined history/geology course or a combined grad/undergrad course).

IMS Based Combinations

SIS ID: 3353127-C-003504-01-2201-I0007

  • 3353127 - Currently Unknown
  • C - Currently Unknown
  • 003504 - Course ID
    The unique course ID value that is generate by PeopleSoft when a course is added.
  • 01 - Course Offering Number
    PeopleSoft generates the course offering number and uses it for sequencing.
  • 2201 - Term
    The identifier that corresponds to the term the course is associated with - such as Spring 2020.
  • IOOO7 - IMS Combination Number
    The identifier for the IMS combination number.
This SIS ID pattern appears for sections combined in PeopleSoft (the "IMS cross listed" checkbox in PeopleSoft), and is typically used for combining associated courses such as lab and lecture courses.

Keywordssis id, sisid, sis, peoplesoft, saipDoc ID97488
OwnerAaron A.GroupUWSA DLE
Created2020-01-30 07:53:05Updated2023-10-26 11:00:17
SitesUW Parkside, UW Stout, UW Superior, UW System Administration DLE, UW-La Crosse, UW-Milwaukee Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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