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Canvas - How to add a Librarian to Your Canvas Course

UW-Superior instructors can add librarians from the Jim Dan Hill Library to their Canvas courses. If you use the Course "Librarian - Research" role, your students can then contact the librarian using the Canvas Inbox tool to ask questions, discuss available library resources, or schedule a reference consultation.
A librarian listed in the People tool of a Canvas course has the the Research Librarian role.
Alecia was added to this Canvas course to support students' research.

Librarian Roles in Canvas

You can add librarians to your Canvas courses with a range of different course level roles.

Each role has different abilities and levels of access within your course, so pick the one that’s the best fit. Focus on the access the librarian needs in your course rather than the name of the role.

If you'd like your students to be able to send the librarian messages from within your Canvas course, use the Course Librarian - Research role. This role is designed for users that need to add content to a course and interact with the students but not be able to access student grade information. This role can see the course roster.

These two other roles are also useful, but they can't interact with students using Inbox messaging:

  • Course Librarian - E-Reserves: This role can add or copy content to courses but cannot interact with students or coursework information. (Choose a different role if you’d like students to be able to contact the librarian.)
  • Teacher Reviewer: Teacher Reviewers have similar access to the Teacher role, but do not have permission to make changes to a course. This role has more broad access to your course than either of the Librarian roles listed above.

Our Librarians

To add one of our librarians to your course, start by copying the UW-Superior email address of the librarian you would like to add.

If you’re unsure who to add, please email You can also view our staff directory on the Jim Dan Hill Library website.

How to Add a Librarian to Your Course Using the People Tool

Now that you’ve chosen a librarian to add to your course, and copied their UW-Superior email address, you’re ready to add them using the People tool:

  1. Click People in the course Navigation menu.
  2. Click the +People button near the top-right of the Canvas page. This will show the “Add People” pop-up window.
  3. Paste the librarian’s UW-Superior email address in the “Email Addresses (required)” text entry box.
  4. Click the “Role” dropdown menu and select the role you’d like to give the librarian in your course.
  5. Click the Next button. You should see a message that reads “The following users are ready to be added to the course.”
  6. If the listed user is correct, click the Add Users button.

Course Invitations

Any user you add to your course will receive an invitation as soon as you publish your course. They will receive one right away if your course is already published. 

Screenshot of the Add People tool with email address field, Role dropdown, and Next button marked. Screenshot shows Stephanie Warden is ready to be added. The Add Users button is marked #6.
The "Add People" panel is shown when adding users to a Canvas course using the People tool.

How to Send a Message to Enrolled Librarians

Once you've added a librarian to your course with a role that can interact with students, your students can use the Canvas Inbox tool to send a message to the librarian, exactly as they would with their instructor. To start a conversation with the librarian enrolled in your course, your students should:

  1. Click Inbox on the left side of the Canvas interface.
  2. In the Inbox, click the Compose icon.
  3. In the Courses drop-down menu, select your course.
  4. Click into the To box and search for the librarian's name.
  5. Click into the Message field and type your message to the librarian.
  6. When finished writing, click the Send button.
The Compose Message panel in the Canvas Inbox tool. Stephanie is listed in the To field.
Screenshot shows the "Compose Message" panel in the Canvas Inbox tool.

Keywordsreference library librarian jimdanhilllibrary people support   Doc ID117058
OwnerMichael M.GroupUW Superior
Created2022-03-01 17:13:44Updated2024-10-22 14:54:00
SitesUW Superior
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