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Explorance Blue - How to Add Personalized Questions to a Survey
- What Questions are in the Survey?
- Do You Need Custom Questions?
- Add Questions to a Survey
- Copy Personalized Questions to Other Surveys
- Need Help?

What Questions are in the Survey?
All surveys distributed using Blue will include twelve questions by default. The survey ask students about both their course and their instructor:
- Please consider your experience in the course when answering the following questions:
- The course was well-organized.
- The course advanced my knowledge and/or skills in the subject matter.
- The course was well-paced (e.g., deadlines or the amount of content covered was reasonable).
- Please consider your experience with your instructor. Answer the following questions:
- The instructor provided useful feedback on my work.
- The grading and feedback were provided in time to apply to later assignments.
- The instructor responded to my questions or requests in a timely manner, generally within two business days, excluding weekends and holidays.
- The instructor was actively involved with the class (whether in-person, virtually, or in Canvas).
- The instructor promoted a sense of community within the class.
- The instructor promoted an inclusive and respectful class environment.
- The instructor presented course material in a clear manner that helped me understand.
- What was especially effective about this course?
- How can this course be improved?
These questions were selected based on substantial input from faculty and Instructional Academic Staff (IAS). They were reviewed and revised after feedback from several student focus groups. Of the 12 questions, seven are designed to provide input on teaching quality. The five additional items are included to provide richer information regarding the student course experience.
Do You Need Custom Questions?
Many surveys will not benefit from additional questions. Please consider the following before adding personalized questions:
- Is this question already answered by any of the standard survey questions?
- Is the midterm feedback survey or end of term evaluation the appropriate place for this question?
- What is the simplest way for students to provide the information you need? A multiple-choice question may reduce student effort.
- Will my question confuse students?
- Will students interpret my question in the way I intend?
- Is my question written in plain language that most students will understand?
Prevent Survey Fatigue
How to Add Questions to a Survey:
Step One: Begin a "Question Personalization" Task
Login to Blue here: This will bring you to the My Home page.
Look for the "Tasks" section, near the top of the page. Each class survey will have its own "Question Personalization" task in Blue. Click the Choose the Personalized Questions link for the survey you would like to personalize.
Surveys can be added or modified up until the day before the survey is delivered to students. Tasks with the "Open" label can still be edited.

Step Two: Choose Your Response Type
There are three possible response types you can use to have students respond to your personalized question. Choose the response type that best fits your question.
- 3-point scale (Yes, Maybe, No)
- 5-point scale (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree)
- Write-in Questions (Text Box)
To add a question of that type, click the drop down arrow (˅) to the left of the response type's name, which will expand that section. Click the Customize button to the right of one of the placeholder questions to open the "Question Editor" box.

Step Three: Edit Your Question in the "Question Editor" Text Entry Box
Type your question in the textbox. Click the X icon at the top right to finish customizing your question.
As you add questions, click the Save button at the top of the page to save your changes. Click the Submit button when you are finished.
Submitting your questions will add them to your survey. Questions can be added or modified up until the day before the survey is delivered to students.

Copy Personalized Questions to Other Surveys
Once you add new questions for one class, you can easily add those same questions to your other classes without needing to edit each class individually. Any questions you have created in a past survey can be copied to new surveys.
To begin, click the small Copy button (⎘), which looks like two stacked pages, located next to the Submit button.
For more information and detailed instructions, read the "Copy questions between your courses" guide. If you need help with this process, please email

Need Help?
If you have any questions about course evaluations, or how to use Explorance Blue, please email