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Explorance Blue - How to View Course Evaluation Response Rates
To begin, login to Blue here: This will bring you to the "My Home" page.
View Your Response Rates Using the Blue Subject Management Page
To open the Subject Management page, click the Subject Management button next to “My Home” header, near the top of the Blue homepage.

The Subject Management page will show a list of evaluations from recent and upcoming terms. The list will initially be sorted by Due Date, but you can change the sort using the dropdown in the top right of the page.
Each class with an active evaluation will show the current response rate on the right side of its Subject Management tile. The tile also shows additional information like how many students were invited to complete the survey.
For more information on the Blue Subject Management page, please visit the Blue Help Guides directory: Explorance Blue - Help Guides: Visit the Subject Management Page.

View Response Rates Using Questionnaire Settings
You can also view the Response Rates for a particular class by opening the Questionnaire Settings for that class.
On the Blue homepage, look under the the “Tasks” header, where there will be a series of task boxes listed in order of upcoming due date. Instructors will have two types of tasks listed (students will have “fillout” tasks listed, a third type of task in Blue):
- View and manage questionnaire settings: Select these tasks to opt-in evaluations, check the start and end dates of an evaluation, and view analytics specific to that evaluation.
- Choose the personalized questions: Select these tasks to add custom questions to your evaluation.
Click a “view and manage questionnaire settings” task to open up the Subject Management details for that particular class. This will show similar information to the Subject Management page, but with just one class listed.

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Also, you can also find more information about the UW-Superior evaluation schedule, evaluation survey, and strategies for increasing student response rates on the UW-Superior Employee Intranet “Course Evaluations” page.